Page 4 - 涓鏂囧寲浜ゆ祦鏉傚織2019骞寸2鏈燂紙鑻辨枃鐗堬級
P. 4


Vol.244 No.2 Feb. 25, 2019

               Supervisor: Ministry of Culture and Tourism, P. R. China     涓荤锛氫腑鍗庝汉姘戝叡鍜屽浗鏂囧寲鍜屾梾娓搁儴
                   Producer: Network of International Culturalink Entities  涓诲姙锛氫腑澶栨枃鍖栦氦娴佷腑蹇?                                                                            鍑虹増锛氥€婁腑澶栨枃鍖栦氦娴併€嬫潅蹇楁湁闄愯矗浠诲叕鍙?Publisher: China & the World Cultural Exchange Magazine Co., Ltd.

Advisors: He Jingzhi, Zeng Jianhui, Gao Zhanxiang,                          椤鹃棶锛氳春鏁箣銆€鏇惧缓寰姐€€楂樺崰绁?                      Liu Deyou, Ai Qingchun, Feng Jicai,                   銆€銆€銆€鍒樺痉鏈夈€€鑹鹃潚鏄ャ€€鍐鎵?                                                    Zhang Xinjian           銆€銆€鈥?寮犳柊寤?                                                                            缂栧锛氭鍛ㄦ銆€鍒樼孩闈┿€€鏉庘€?钑娾€?鈥? Editorial Board: Duan Zhouwu, Liu Hongge, Li Rui,                          銆€銆€銆€瀹嬧€?浼熴€€鍚翠笘骞裤€€瀛欌€?鏉扳€?銆€
                          Song Wei,Wu Shiguang, Sun Jie,                    銆€銆€銆€璧碘€?褰便€€寮犫€?绔嬨€€璐锯€?閿?                                Zhao Ying, Zhang Li, Jia Kun

Executive Editor-in-chief: Sun Jie                                          鎵ц鎬荤紪锛氬瓩銆€鏉?   Deputy Editor-in-chief: Jia Kun                                          鍓€荤紪锛氳淳銆€閿?        Editor of the Issue: Li Xiang                                       璐d换缂栬緫锛氭潕銆€鎯?               Layout: Zhan Jingyuan                                        瑙嗚缁熺锛氳┕闈欏獩

Address: 83,Beiheyan St., Dongcheng Dist., Beijing                          绀惧潃锛氬寳浜競涓滃煄鍖哄寳娌虫部澶ц 83 鍙?                                            Postcode: 100009                閭紪锛?00009
                                      Tel: 0086-10-84020948                 浼犵湡锛?010)84020947
                                     Fax: 0086-10-84020947                  缂栬緫閮細(010)84020963
                     Editorial Office: 0086-10-84020963                     鍙戣閮細(010)84020948
                 Distribution Dept.: 0086-10-84020948                       閭锛?

                             ISSN: 1004-5015 CN 11-3005 / G2                鍒婂彿锛欼SSN1004-5015 CN11-3005/G2
                                                                            骞垮憡璁稿彲璇侊細浜笢宸ュ晢骞垮瓧绗?0430 鍙?(1-1)
       Advertising License: Jingdong Gongshang Guang                        鍥藉唴鍙戣锛氬寳浜姤鍒婂彂琛屽眬
                                                                            閭彂浠e彿锛?- 327
Domestic Distributor: Beijing Newspaper and Periodical                      鍥藉鎬诲彂琛岋細涓浗鍥介檯鍥句功璐告槗鎬诲叕鍙?                                                   Distribution Bureau
                                    Domestic Distribution: 2-327
     Overseas Distributor: China International Publishing

                                    Import and Export Corporation
                                Overseas Distribution: 1420BM

Published in Chinese and English and distributed in 180 countries and regions 涓枃鐗埪疯嫳鏂囩増锛氬彂寰€涓栫晫 180 浣欎釜鍥藉涓庡湴鍖?/code>
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